10th Annual Conference “Peace and Agriculture” from 30 September – 2 October 2024 in Brandenburg and Berlin

Ready for the next beginning – Promoting European dialogue for peace and agriculture

Ladies and gentlemen,

The European PeaceBread is returning to Berlin after a 10-year journey. Baked from rye from the partner countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe, the PeaceBread is a symbol of peace and European integration in action. This is in remembrance of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain 35 years ago. Especially in view of war and the threat of war in Europe, we see ourselves called upon to discuss “peace and agriculture” in the association of politics and civil society.

On 1 October 2024, a network conference, excursions and a “Brandenburg Evening” will take place at the invitation of the state government at the Heimvolkshochschule am Seddiner See.

The event will continue in Berlin on 2 October 2024:
10.00 am: Ceremony at the Catholic Academy Berlin
2.00 pm: “PeaceBread” celebration with ecumenical service at the Chapel of Reconciliation at the Berlin Wall Memorial.

The celebrations of the anniversary conference are under the patronage of the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Cem Özdemir, who is expecting colleagues from politics and civil society to join us.
We would like to welcome you as our guest to these celebrations and ask you to make a note of the date of the International Conference “Peace and Agriculture”.

You are welcome to contact us if you would like to find out more about us or would like to support the 2024 conference or the PeaceBread project.

For now, we remain with kind regards
Anton Blöth, Chairman, Udo Folgart and Michael Baumecker, Members of the Board,
Dr Gibfried Schenk, Managing Director of the PeaceBread Association, Berlin

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