We are delighted to report that Minister Helir-Valdor SEEDER has accepted the invitation of FriedensBrot e.V. (Association PeaceBread) to participate personally in the conference and ceremonial act “Peace and Agriculture” in Berlin on 30 September and 1 October 2014.

Talks in the Estonian Ministry of Agriculture
On 3 September 2013 and on the occasion of a joint dinner during a journey of German agricultural journalists which was organised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Gibfried SCHENK was able to issue a personal invitation to the Estonian Minister of Agriculture. At the same time, the Minister and his Head of Department Ruve ŠANK were informed about the present state of the implementation of the “PeaceBread” project. The Estonian politicians appreciated the multifaceted civic engagement in connection with this project as presented by Dr. SCHENK, and they particularly appreciated the unique character of the project which is based on this civic engagement. Efforts are made in Estonia as well to identify interested partners who will support the project beyond the activities of the Ministry, they said. There might be interesting future links to the Estonian Rye Association for example.

The next morning, representatives of the “PeaceBread” office (“FriedensBrot e.V.”) were received by Secretary of State Olavi PETRON in the Ministry of Agriculture for an in-depth conversation on the implementation of the “PeaceBread” project. Ms Lüna GRÜNBERG, member of staff of the Department of Foreign Relations also took part in the talks. The participation of Estonia in the conference and the ceremonial act in 2014 again was one of the key issues.