Jõgeva – seeding of Estonian rye took place with guests from Germany

6 September was the day: In the presence of representatives of the association “FriedensBrot e.V.” (“PeaceBread”), rye which was harvested in Berlin this year was sown next to the traditional rye variety ‘Sangaste’ on trial fields of the Institute of Plant Breeding in Jõgeva. On this occasion, the Director of the Institute Mati KOPPEL and Dr. Gibfried SCHENK gave interviews to the local press.

The attached photos give an impression of the event.

Pictures from Anatoli Makarevits:

Colleagues at the institute chose quite an exposed site close to a busy causeway. The idea is to set up a board on-site after germination and emergence of the seeds that will be visible from a greater distance and inform passing drivers and hikers about the “PeaceBread” project.

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