During a personal meeting in the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Warsaw on 29 July 2013, the general manager of the association FriedensBrot e.V. (Association PeaceBread) had the opportunity to explain the objectives and up-to-date results of the PeaceBread project to Minister Stanislaw KALEMBA.
The invitation was initiated through Dorota BIAŁCZAK, member of staff at the Polish Embassy in Berlin. Dr. Gibfried SCHENK was accompanied by Mr Friedemann KRAFT, Technical Officer for Agriculture, Environment and Consumer Protection in the Department of Economy at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Warsaw, and Ms Agnieszka BAKER, member of staff of BASF Polska Sp.z o.o who kindly took care of the interpretation.
On behalf of the Polish Ministry, Ms Weronika STANKO, Officer of the Department for the European Union and International Cooperation, Mr Julian T. KRZYZANOWSKI, Director of the Department for the European Union and International Cooperation as well as Mr Tomasz FIŁONOWICZ, Assistant of the Minister, participated in the meeting.
At the outset of the meeting, Dr. SCHENK reported on the present state of implementation of the project and particularly recognised the active role and support of the Polish partners in Berlin and in Suchowola as well as the support of Minister KALEMBA himself.
Key aspects of the subsequent discussion concentrated on the concept for the conference and the ceremonial act on the issue of “Peace and Agriculture” on 30 September and 1 August 2014, and potential opportunities for the Polish partners to support the production of a documentary video on the project.
Mr KALEMBA accepted and appreciated the invitation of FriedensBrot e.V. (Association PeaceBread) to participate in the events and to support the ceremonial act with a personal welcome address. For him, the commemoration of 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and of the Iron Curtain in Europe are the most important highlights in 2014. In this context, Minister KALEMBA and his guests recognised the choice of Suchowola as site for the symbolic growing of the Polish rye. As native region of the Solidarnosc-Priest Jerzy POPIELUSZKO, who was murdered on 1984, the Polish project partners hence highlight the outstanding role of the Solidarnosc-movement in Poland, which gave decisive impulses to overcome the separation of Europe.
The participants of this meeting will advocate the continuation of the PeaceBread project well beyond the anniversary year 2014. Potentially, annual conferences could be convened in different partner countries, and Mr KALEMBA left no doubt that he could imagine Poland to set the starting point in 2015. Furthermore, the inclusion of other countries beyond the group of present participants might be discussed.
Minister KALEMBA underlines the fundamental meaning and deep symbolism of bread as basic food. He gives an impressive report on his dialogue with Polish citizens who encourage his request for “more respect for food”. According to Minister KALEMBA, acting against food wastage is one important issue for the PeaceBread project.