Grinded places and the Green Band- The purpose of the former border as a reminder

Link to video Berlin, October 11th 2017, 3rd FORUM PeaceBread Wenn jeder eine Blume pflanzte, jeder Mensch auf dieser Welt, und anstatt zu schießen, tanzte und mit Lächeln zahlte, statt mit Geld… (If everybody would plant a flower, or would dance instead of shooting and pay with a smile instead of money…) With these lines […]
Rye and Art – Trade and Gastronomy – Board and Managing Office of the PeaceBread Association with partners in Franconia

Kulmbach, Weißenstadt und Himmelkrohn, October 14th/15th 2017. The board and managing office visited the Franconian farm in Himmelkron, the baker and spice museum in Kulmbach, the rye information center Rogg-In and THE SMALL MUSEUM – CULTURE ON THE PEUNT in Weißenstadt. Saturday, October 14th: Herrmann Mohr and Jürgen Stübinger from the Franconia Farm, welcome the […]
Optimistically into the future of the EU – Boosting the European model of sustainable agriculture

Flyer conference 2017 Link to video 4th Annual European Conference „Peace and Agriculture“ in Varna, Bulgaria September 27th-2 9th 2017 The Bulgarian National Grain Producers Association and the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Mr. Rumen Porodzanov were the hosts of the annual European Conference for „Peace and Agriculture“, now for the 4th time, at […]