Rye and Art – Trade and Gastronomy – Board and Managing Office of the PeaceBread Association with partners in Franconia

Kulmbach, Weißenstadt und Himmelkrohn, October 14th/15th 2017.

The board and managing office visited the Franconian farm in Himmelkron, the baker and spice museum in Kulmbach, the rye information center Rogg-In and THE SMALL MUSEUM – CULTURE ON THE PEUNT in Weißenstadt.

Saturday, October 14th: Herrmann Mohr and Jürgen Stübinger from the Franconia Farm, welcome the group in their regional outlets in Kulmbach and Himmelkrohn. A successful concept from farmers to promote their produce in the Franconian region. Furthermore they work as a caterer for functions.

The time in-between was used to visit the impressive baker and spice museum in Kulmbach. Gems for all who are interested in healthy living and food!

The tasting of regional produce of the Franconian Farm as a „self-experiment“ concluded the evening.

Sunday, October 15th: A great experience with new partners. Thanks to Mrs. Dr. Krainz-Leupoldt and Mr. Leupoldt, Fa. PEMA in Weißenstadt, who guided the group through the rye information center Rogg-In and THE SMALL MUSEUM- CULTURE ON THE PEUNT in Weißenstadt.

The guests were very impressed with the way the Leupoldt family and their partners are connecting with their concepts company philosophy, cultural engagement and the development of the rural areas to a whole. That this would not be possible without personal enthusiasm and entrepreneurial experience became clear very fast. It was very interesting to have a new look at the theme “simplicity”. Simplicity for bread- simplicity for art- simplicity for messages.

A discussion about a future partnership crowned the successful trip.

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