Agra-Europe reports

Germany social policy

Launch of “PeaceBread”-project

BERLIN. The association “PeaceBread” has committed itself to an initiative for peace and food. “Without bread no peace, without peace no bread”, said Chairman Manfred Fischer, formerly priest of the Parish of Reconciliation in Berlin at the kick-off event at Bernauer Strasse and the launch of the website According to the information provided, the association wants to contribute to illustrating the bidirectional relation between peacekeeping and sustainable agriculture. Furthermore, the intention is to preserve the memories of the fall of the Berlin Wall and to foster understanding with the countries of Middle and Eastern Europe. The “PeaceBread”-project plays an important role. As part of the project, rye harvested in 2013 on a field on the former death strip will be sown on sites of high symbolic value in the partner countries. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall next year, European “PeaceBred” shall be baked at Bernauer Strasse with the rye harvested in all these sites. This shall be part of an event centered around the issue. Dr. Gibfried Schenk, General Manager of the association, referred to the positive feedback on the initiative in Middle and Eastern Europe. According to the former General Manager of the Association for the Promotion Sustainable Agriculture [FNL – Fördergemeinschaft Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft e.V.], Estonia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia and Czech Republic have already confirmed their participation and have chosen institutions responsible for sowing the rye. Schenk is convinced that – following internal evaluation – also Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia will join the project. Federal Minister of Agriculture Ilse AIGNER has taken over patronage of the project. The initiative is supported by several associations and companies. AgE

translation from AGRA-EUROPE 22/13 vom 27. Mai 2013

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