8th FORUM PeaceBread on the situation and prospects of Ukrainian agriculture

Don’t wait for peace, invest in Ukraine now! Link to Video f.l.t.r.: Dr. Olga Trofimtseva, Anton Blöth, Catarina Zanner, Matthias Berninger, Dr. Gibfried Schenk In times of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the FORUM PeaceBread 2023 once again provided an impressive platform for discussions on the inseparable link between peace and agriculture. In […]
8th FORUM PeaceBread 2023: Peace and Reconstruction of Agriculture in Ukraine!

This year, as an association that has been dedicated to the topic of “peace and agriculture” and European understanding since its foundation, we must also face the war in Ukraine and its consequences. At FORUM FriedensBrot 2023, we are already focusing on the reconstruction of Ukrainian agriculture. Thursday, 12 October 2023 6:30pm – 9:00pm
7th FORUM FriedensBrot 2022: Agriculture in times of war and crises

Berlin, 19-10-2022 One could have heard the famous “needle in the haystack” drop during the FriedensBrot FORUM on 19th October, 2022 in the visitors’ center of the Berlin Wall memorial. This, the 7th FORUM, came under the headline “Agriculture needs peace: In the Ukraine, for Europe!”. Tense, sometimes even touched, the persons attending followed a […]
7th FORUM PeaceBread: “Agriculture needs peace: in the Ukraine, for Europe!”

This year, as an association that has been dedicated to the topic of “peace and agriculture” and European understanding since its founding, we have to face the war in Ukraine and its consequences. At the FORUM PeaceBread 2022, we want to do this with a particular focus on agriculture and the people in rural areas […]
6. FORUM FriedensBrot: “Country Women – Women for the country: Two biographies – one from the East and one from the West”

„Marlene Mortler, Catarina Zanner, Dr. Heike Müller (v.l.n.r.)“ After the 6th FriedensBrot FORUM in 2020 had to be cancelled on account of the pandemic, the forum had its digital premiere in 2021. Around 50 members of FriedensBrot followed a highly interesting version of this well-established dialog format for discussions about peace, Europe, agriculture and rural […]
5. FORUM PeaceBread 2019 – Farmers and bakers call for politics with a sense of proportion

Link to video Berlin, October 15th 2019: FORUM PeaceBread: Farmers and bakers call for politics with a sense of proportion „30 Years Fall of the Berlin Wall: Where farmers plough and bakers bake, there are….“ This was the intriguing headline for the 5th FORUM PeaceBread in Berlin. German Farmers Association (DBV) honorary president and the […]
4th FORUM PeaceBread 2018

Link to video “For solidarity and confidence – Experiences at the interface of politics and the civil society” The PeaceBread Association hosted the 4th FORUM PeaceBread on October 16th 2018 with the topic: „For Solidarity and confidence – Experiences at the interface of politics and the civil society“. Moderated by Catarina Zanner from the rbb […]
Grinded places and the Green Band- The purpose of the former border as a reminder

Link to video Berlin, October 11th 2017, 3rd FORUM PeaceBread Wenn jeder eine Blume pflanzte, jeder Mensch auf dieser Welt, und anstatt zu schießen, tanzte und mit Lächeln zahlte, statt mit Geld… (If everybody would plant a flower, or would dance instead of shooting and pay with a smile instead of money…) With these lines […]
Democracy is not achieved by just sitting on the spectator’s bench: Respectful mutual dialogue is a challenge in troubled times

Link to video Berlin, October 18th 2016: 2.FORUM PeaceBread The number of activities of the PeaceBread-project was and is large. More than positive was and is the feedback of members and the public in general. This conclusion was drawn by the chairman Adalbert Kienle and the managing director Dr. Gibfried Schenk after this year’s member […]
Successful first PeaceBread FORUM on 16th October 2015

Link to video Berlin,16.10.2015. On Friday the 16th October PeaceBread celebrated a very successful premiere of the first PeaceBread FORUM at the visitors centre of the Berlin Wall memorial. The PeaceBread FORUM is meant to become a platform for discussion and interaction concerning peace, reconciliation and agriculture in Europe. Hopefully interesting stories and faces of […]