On the death of Prof. Dr. Christian Bonte-Friedheim

The association FriedensBrot e.V. remembers in mourning and gratitude the deceased Prof. h.c. Dr. Christian Bonte-Friedheim, who had declared in the build-up phase 2013 „Yes, I am gladly willing to become a member of PeaceBread“. Bonte-Friedheim, born 1934, studied agricultural sciences at the universities of Hohenheim and Bonn and dedicated his whole life to agricultural research and development assistance. He was sent around the globe by the FAO, lastly as Assistant General Director of the Agriculture Main Department. Bonte-Friedheim was a persistent and generous sponsor of the village church Nikolaus in Lübnitz near Bad Belzig, one of the oldest fieldstone churches. The funeral service and urn burial will also take place there. The association FriedensBrot remains connected to the deceased in grateful remembrance.

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