Visit to Estonia from 13th to 16th August 2022 by FriedensBrot Partners

By good planning, it is possible to combine participation in the dedication of the Finnish Kärsämäki with a visit to FriedensBrot’s long-term partners in neighbouring Estonia.


The chairman of FriedensBrot e.V. Udo Folgert and managing director Dr. Gibfried Schenk take the ferry from Helsinki to Tallin. FriedensBrot’s ambassador Ruve Šank (Schank), long-term staff member of the ministry of agriculture, picks up the guests.

A first quick look at Tallin.

During dinner at Ruve Schank’s home, followed by a mandatory visit to the sauna, are discussed the details for the visit.


The next morning, the first stop is Jögeva with Estonia’s plant breeding institution (, where the group is joined by the president of the Estonian rye association (MTÜ Eesti Rukkiselts,, Varhur Kukk.

The next stop together with Varhur Kukk is the peace house at Kärde, in which the “Treaty of Cardis” ending the Russian-Swedish war was signed in 1661.

The next important station of the tour is Sangaste, the former home of famous rye grower Graf (Earl) Friedrich Georg Magnus von Berg (1845-1938) from where the oldest Estonian rye sorts originate. At this castle was held the Estonian part of the 5th European annual conference “Peace and Agriculture”, jointly organized by Estonia and Latvia from 26th to 28th September of 2018. The castle, exhibitions for adults and children, memorial and gravesite of Graf Berg are visited.

A special pleasure is the meeting with Heili Freimanis.Kalbri, FriedensBrot’s friend who works at Sangaste library, and her son.

The evening is continued with a visit to Olustvere, a site of history and tradition: An example for further education of young and old in a rural area. The manor houses erected at the end of the 19th century are now used as a tourism and conference center, as a museum of local history, and as a housekeeping school. There are more than 30 outhouses which have largely been fully renovated.

At the main manor house there is a meeting with the Estonian rye association.

The Estonian “Rye King” Hanns Kruusamägi is honoured as “FriedensBrot ambassador”.


The visit ends with an official meeting with the advisor to the Estonian ministry of agriculture, Ms Evelin Oras to talk about the future of the “FriedensBrot” project. Ms Oras will attend the 8th European annual conference “Peace and Agriculture” in Novo Mesto, Slovenia, from 27th to 29th October 2022.

Thank you Ruve Šank for the excellent program.

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