Latvian Peace Bread will be grown in Zvarde

On his birthday today (!!!) Arvids KRIVENS from Latvian Ministry of Agriculture informed, that Latvian colleagues found their very unique place for PeaceBread rye cultivation in Zvarde, 19 km close to town of Saldus. Zvārde natural reserve is a newly erected large protected area within the borders of Blīdene, Jaunauce and Zvārde districts. Zvārde natural […]
All ten Middle and South Eastern European countries in PeaceBread partnership

Association PeaceBread (FriedensBrot e.V.) is pleased to announce today active engagement of all counties, which were asked for participitation in PeaceBread project. We have been able to send the rye seeds to all countries in the meantime, all of them having appointed concrete contact persons for growing the rye. This is a big success of […]