Latvian Peace Bread will be grown in Zvarde

On his birthday today (!!!) Arvids KRIVENS from Latvian Ministry of Agriculture informed, that Latvian colleagues found their very unique place for PeaceBread rye cultivation in Zvarde, 19 km close to town of Saldus.

Zvārde natural reserve is a newly erected large protected area within the borders of Blīdene, Jaunauce and Zvārde districts. Zvārde natural reserve consists of Stūru and Kārklauku or Zvārde swamp, narrow forest line around the swamps, woody marsh lands and bushy meadows, Ķerliņi lake and its vicinity.

The reserve territory is located in the area of the former Zvārde polygon and has little been affected by human economic activities, but much more by military activities: Zvārde natural park and polygon objects are unique. More than 24 400 ha, this large area was used as a military aviation training Landfill in Soviet Union time.

Today these reserve territory is biologically diverse, particularly notable by many rare bird species included in the Red Book of Latvia – grey headed woodpecker, Tengmalm’s owl, white-rumped woodpecker. Botanical studies still have to be carried out, however, it is already clear that a very rare species is found in the reserve – bilberry osier.

And in balance to preserved nature farmers are preparing rye cultivation for PeaceBread project…

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