PeaceBread rye seeds were sown in Szarvas, Hungary on 3rd of October on the Day of the German Unity

Mihály JANSCÓ, Research Fellow / Research Group Leader in the Irrigation Management and Rice Research Group of Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI) in Szarvas – our Hungarian project partner in PeaceBread project – informs about the details of this symbolic day of German Unity: “Next to the rye variety from Berlin a […]
Sowing of PeaceBread rye in Rubla on October, 10

The Romanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in a Partnership with The Institute for the Investigation of Communism Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile, the National Museum of Agriculture, the International Centre of Studies on Communism and the National Village Museum “Dimitrie Gusti” will organize an Exhibition and Press Conference in Symbolic […]
Diplomats from 17 countries visited PeaceBread field in Jõgeva

Shortly after sowing of Peacebread rye diplomats from 17 ambassies in Tallin visited Peacebread location on fields of Jõgeva Plant breeding Institute, between them 7 ambassadors. Left to the table our partner from Jõgeva Plant breeding Institute, director Mati KOPPEL, in the middle just befor the table the German ambassador Mr. Christian Matthias SCHLAGA. Another […]