Diplomats from 17 countries visited PeaceBread field in Jõgeva

Shortly after sowing of Peacebread rye diplomats from 17 ambassies in Tallin visited Peacebread location on fields of Jõgeva Plant breeding Institute, between them 7 ambassadors.

Left to the table our partner from Jõgeva Plant breeding Institute, director Mati KOPPEL, in the middle just befor the table the German ambassador Mr. Christian Matthias SCHLAGA.

Another place of interest of the group of diplomats was the location of a major battle that took place during the Russo-Swedish War of 1656-1658 near Jõgeva.

In the small house – Kärde Peace House – was signed the so-called “treaty of everlasting peace” between Russia and Sweden on 21 June 1661 . The peace treaty ended the war between Russia and Sweden in 1656-1658.

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