Manchester, 31.05.-01.06.2019: After an opening reception with the Lord Mayor of Manchester, Abid Chohan, follow two informative and eventful congress days under the headline “Bakery of the Future” in Manchester.
More than 200 representatives from member states of the European International Association of Plant Bakeries AIBI are present.
Many thanks to Susanne Döring, Managing Director of AIBI in Brussels, for invitation of Management office of Association PeaceBread to participate in the congress.
The focus of the first congress day is on questions of the relation between industry and craft as well as between social responsibility and responsible work force. Other important questions are convenience, experience, business risk and safety.
Intensive discussions in the congress breaks complete the presentation content and deliver opportunities to present the project PeaceBread to participants.
The AIBI-Congress evening ends with a great highlight: Robert Bakery Brass Band. Händel and Co.
The second day deals with future trends of European bread tradition.
The Slovenian representative in the AIBI board, Janez Bojc, is elected as new President of the European Association.
The congress ends with a Gala dinner at Gorton monastry.