PeaceBread Dialogue in Romania
7th to 9th November, 2022 Cordial exchange with partners of the Union of former Bărăgan deportees The promise was made on the 2021 conference “Peace and Agriculture” which both Romania and Germany hosted in cyberspace (link to conference report 2021) because on-site events had to be canceled due to the pandemic: “Once the pandemic situation […]
Rye of Rubla, Romania, on 19.11.2013
Mrs Ana ENE, Conselor to the Minister of Romanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development, wrote today: “We are very lucky, our small rye plants have sprouted and grew beautifully.”
A great day for PeaceBread project in Romania: The full report of 2013, Oct.10
Considering the premises of the project, which aims to promote and raise awareness on the idea that sustainable agriculture, welfare and happiness can only be achieved in peacetime, the team from Romanian Ministry of Agriculture, together with the Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile, the main partner […]
Sowing of PeaceBread rye in Rubla on October, 10
The Romanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in a Partnership with The Institute for the Investigation of Communism Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile, the National Museum of Agriculture, the International Centre of Studies on Communism and the National Village Museum “Dimitrie Gusti” will organize an Exhibition and Press Conference in Symbolic […]
The lonely house in Rubla…
The story of deportation Anda ENE, Conselor to the Minister of Romanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development, wrote to association PeaceBread (FriedensBrot e.V.): “On 26 August 2013, the general secretary of Institute for the Investigation of Communism Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile, Mr. Dan TALNAR and myself, we made a visit […]
Romanian PeaceBread rye will be grown in Rubla
All ten PeaceBread locations approved Ms Anda ENE, Advisor to the Romanian Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Romania, today informed, that this morning Minister Daniel CONSTANTIN approved Rubla Village (Valea Calmatuiului) as the symbolic place of PeaceBread cultivation. Ms Ene explains: “In 1951, communists deported more than 44 000 people in Baragan Plain, […]
Rye seeds for European Peace Bread on the way!
Very important day for project “PeaceBread”! Today Peace Bread seeds are shipped to our partners from Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania. Shipment in next countries will follow soon. We are very happy about this. Thank you to all partners in the countries and Mrs Christina-Luise ROSS from Humboldt University in Berlin, […]
Romanian PeaceBread rye will be cultivated by Central Laboratory for Quality of Seed and Planting Material, Bucharest
Mrs Ana ENE, Conselor to the Minister of Romanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development, informed, that Central Laboratory for Quality of Seed and Planting Material (CLQSPM, Laboratorul Central pentru Calitatea Seminţelor şi a Materialului Săditor – L.C.C.S.M.S.) will be the coordinator of PeaceBread rye cultivation in Romania. The responsible person will be General Director […]
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Romania is interested
On behalf of Minister Daniel CONSTANTIN, Mrs Anda ENE, Advisor to the Minister, and Mr Daniel IONESCU, General Secretariat of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Romania express their gratitude for the invitation to participate in the project and confirm that an adequate place for sowing the rye and partners will be identified.
Information der Botschaft von Rumänien in Berlin
Herr George BOAGIU (2. Botschaftssekretär der Botschaft von Rumänien) wird von Dr. Gibfried SCHENK (Geschäftsführer FriedensBrot e.V.) über das Projekt FriedensBrot , die Idee, den Stand und die Planung bis Herbst 2014 informiert.