The “Berlin Wall-rye” is growing at the Chapel of Reconciliation. The end of winter is near, and sun and rain will provide for a good harvest.

As of late and just across the road, busy construction work is going on: The documentation centre at the Berlin Wall Memorial undergoes radical renovation. Die edifice will be completely rebuilt, and a new permanent exhibition will be set up prior to the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 2014. This exhibition will start with the case history of the Berlin Wall and lead up to the present day. The building was originally erected as parish hall for the Protestant Parish of Reconciliation in 1965 and now serves as documentation centre of the memorial since 1999.
(see: www.berliner-mauer-gedenkstaette.de/de/dokumentationszentrum-213.html)

The association „FriedensBrot“ (PeaceBread) is preparing a conference on the issue of “Peace and Agriculture” for September 30, 2014. Guests from all eleven partner countries as well as friends and supporters of the project are eagerly expected in the Heimvolkshochschule (Residential Adult Education Centre) at Seddiner See (Seddiner Lake) close to Berlin (see: www.hvhs-seddinersee.de).
The office of the association PeaceBread is already in intensive contact on this issue with the bodies responsible for the project in partner countries.
A public ceremonial act will take place in the Senatssaal” of Humboldt-University in Berlin in the forenoon of October 1, 2014. In the afternoon of that day, we will bake and try our mutual “European PeaceBread” at the Chapel of Reconciliation.