Information about postponement of yearly conference “Peace and Agriculture” 2020:

Dear friends, members and partners of the PeaceBread Association, dear ladies and gentlemen, hereby We have to announce to you, dear friends and partners of the international network “Peace and Agriculture” and dear members of the PeaceBread Association, that the annual conference that was planned for September 2020 in Slovenia had to be postponed due […]
Preparation of PeaceBread conference 2020 in Slovenia

Alenka Grivec, Snežana Popovic, Gibfried Schenk, Marion Schenk, Nina Baloh and Tadeja Kvas Majer (from left to right) Ljubljana, Novo Mesto, 19.-20.06.2019: The first day of the visit was dedicated to an intensive discussion about mutual experiences with PeaceBread network in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food in Ljubljana. Slovenian colleagues presented their first […]
Slovenian PeaceBread Rye on Field Day

Ksenija KOUS and Robert JANŽA sent actual picture of the PeaceBread rye field from Field day on June, 22. Our Slovenian colleagues are expecting a good harvest in some days
Greetings from Slovenian PeaceBread Rye

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Slovenian rye seeds emerged

Two first pictures with emerged rye seedlings in Rakičan near Murska Sobota
Rakičan near Murska Sobota: “PeaceBread” rye also sown in Slovenian soil

Our Slovenian partners report: “Seeding of the rye took place on Thursday, 10 October 2013, on the field of the school. In addition to Borellus, we have sown five more varieties which are grown in Slovenia.” On Tuesday, 15 October 2013, the Slovenian Minister of Agriculture, Dejan ŽIDAN, the German Ambassador to Slovenia, Dr. Anna […]
Slovenian rye for PeaceBread will be grown in BIOTEHNIŠKA ŠOLA RAKIČAN

Mrs Greti BORIJEVIC, Legate – Embassy Counsellor of the Embassy of Slovenia in Berlin, informs that rye cultivation will be realised in Biotechnical School of Rakičan (BIOTEHNIŠKA ŠOLA RAKIČAN) in Murska Sobota. Murska Sobota (in German: Olsnitz) is a small town in north-east Slovenia. Town is located appr. 15 km close to Austria as well […]
Slovenia affirms participation in the “PeaceBread”-project

Mrs Greti BORIJEVIC (Legate – Embassy Counsellor of the Embassy of Slovenia in Berlin) informs about the decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Slovenia to participate in the “PeaceBread”-project.
Treffen der Agrardiplomaten in Berlin

Die Vertreter der Geschäftsstelle des Vereins FriedensBrot e.V., Dr. Gibfried SCHENK und Dr. Marion SCHENK, erläutern auf einem Treffen von Agrardiplomaten das Projekt „FriedensBrot“. Die Präsidentin des Berliner Clubs der Agrardiplomaten, Frau Lilach GUITAR-NUNEZ, hat zu diesem Treffen eingeladen und stellt Räumlichkeiten der Schweizerischen Botschaft bereit. Seitens der Beitrittsländer nahmen folgende Vertreter den Termin wahr: […]