Mindaugas Milinis new PeaceBread Ambassador Association acknowledges longtime support

Berlin-Vilnius, September 2019. The agricultural Attaché of the Lithuanian Embassy Mindaugas Milinis has been announced as PeaceBread Ambassador on the occasion of the 6th PeaceBread conference in Vilnius.
Dr. Gibfried Schenk, managing director of the PeaceBread Association carried out the honour with the Lithuanian Minister for Agriculture Andrius Palionis present and thanked Milinis for his longtime support and promotion of the PeaceBread project. “Mindaugas is a supporter from the very first minute. From the establishment of our idea on to the first PeaceBread conference 2014 in Berlin until to this meeting today in Vilnius he was and is a cherished companion, an energetic supporter and real sympathizer, therefore in the full and best sense of the word a PeaceBread Ambassador!”, Dr.Schenk said at the presentation of the certificate at the gala dinner of the 6th annual conference in Vilnius.

With being honoured as a PeaceBread Ambassador the Association acknowledges longstanding and well-deserved sponsors of the PeaceBread initiative from all the twelve partner countries of the European network. Seven people have been announced as PeaceBread Ambassador so far.

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