PeaceBread 2014 – Conference and Ceremonial Act (3/5)

(Report in 5 parts)

Reception “Brandenburger Evening” on September 30, 2014 in Beelitz

Signing of the Mutual Declaration to the Forum “Peace and Agriculture”

The busy conference day came to an end with a “Brandenburg Evening” in the convivial venue of the Jakobs brothers, producers of asparagus in Beelitz.

Gunter Fritsch, President of the Parliament of Brandenburg, welcomed the participants and highlighted that, following the discovery of new chances after the political ‘Wend’, farmers in this federal state have successfully started to make use of these opportunities, self-confidently presenting the multitude of their products at International Green Week. Adalbert Kienle of the association PeaceBread equally welcomed all participants on behalf of the hosting association.

These contributions were followed by welcome addresses of the Secretary of State Dr. Maria Flachsbarth, German BMEL, of Mrs Virginija Baltraitiene, Minister of Agriculture in Lithuania, Dr. Sandor Fazekas, Hungarian Minister of Rural Development, Ivari Padar, Estonian Minister of Agriculture, and Mrs Marina Brakalowa, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food in Bulgaria. All speakers recognised the successful event as starting point for a lasting talking and meeting platform „Peace and Agriculture“.

The handing over of the ‘harvest crown’ to Dr. Schenk as facilitator of the evening was a worthy highlight and closure of the day. Earlier that evening, representatives of the delegations of all 12 partner countries had signed a mutual declaration announcing the intention to “shape our network in the format of an annual forum “Peace and Agriculture” and a ceremonial act of baking a mutual PeaceBread, to be held in a different partner country every year.” Exactly in that sense, the Hungarian Minister Dr. Fazekas announced that his country would be pleased to organise a PeaceBread conference in 2016.

Signing of the Mutual Declaration to the Forum "Peace and Agriculture"

Impressions over Impressions

Pictures: Anton Blöth (Berlin), Zsolt Lazar (Szarvas), Rüdiger Pelikan (Brandenburg), Marion Schenk (Zirndorf)

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