Congratualtions: 10 years of EU enlargement in 2004

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the EU enlargement, the Assocation PeaceBread congratulates our friends and partners Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia, who joined the EU on May 1rst, 2004 together with Cyprus and Malta.

Fifteen years after the fall of the Iron Curtain, this was a clear and strong symbol for the growing together of Europe. Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania followed joining in between, making the enlargement even more important and encouraging.

Association PeaceBread is looking very much forward to the celebrations in Berlin – September, 29 till October, 1 – marking a quarter century of Europe’s growing together, a quarter century of sharing, getting to know and respecting each other.

The detailed programme of the conference and the ceremonial act will be available on shortly.

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