A letter from Bulgaria
02.07.2021. A letter from Bulgaria Gladfully National Grain Producers Association (NGPA) informs you that the Peace Bread rye in Bulgaria has been harvested at an official ceremony on the 1st of July 2021 in Slavyanovo, region Pleven. Guests of the event were the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forests – Prof. Dr. Hristo Bozuko; the […]
Traditional PeaceBread harvest ceremony of Bulgarian Association of Grain Producers.
Byala Slatina, 21.06.2019: Kostadin Kostadinov, President of the Association declared: “The main purpose of the Bread of Peace project is to focus public attention on the benefits of cooperation and reunification within the European Union. It is no coincidence that the “PeaceBread” unites and united the peoples of the Old Continent. And as we know […]
Delegation from the PeaceBread Association travels to the Bulgarian harvest ceremony at Burgas and Klikach
20.06.2016 Klikach by Burgas. Adalbert Kienle, chairman of the PeaceBread Association e.V., as well as the members of the Office of PeaceBread Marion und Gibfried Schenk, were taking part at the invitation of the National Grain Producers Association of Bulgaria (NGPA) in the now established traditional PeaceBread- harvest festival. ertreg erg j jr6 zj ertreg […]
Bulgaria impressed with Spectacular PeaceBread Harvest Ceremony in Ludogorie
The harvest inauguration ceremony of Peace Bread Project took place in the Kubrat town area. The project has been implemented for the second consecutive year, this time being hosted by Mrs. Mariela Yordanova, Deputy Chairwoman of NGPA and Chairwoman of the Association of Grain Producers of Ludogorie. An official guest of the event was the […]
Harvest of PeaceBread rye harvest inauguration date has been set in Bulgaria
Erntefest des FriedensBrotes am 5. Juni Der Nationale Verband der Getreideproduzenten erklärt enthusiastisch, dass der Roggens in einem hervorragenden Zustand ist und dass das Erntefest für den 5. Juni festgelegt wurde.
Latest news from Bulgaria: New PeaceBread field in historic town of Kubrat
Asya Gocheva, Sekretärin der Nationalen Vereinigung der Getreideproduzenten (NGPA) in Sofia, Bulgarien, schrieb: Lassen Sie mich jetzt den Verein FriedensBrot auf dem laufenden halten und die letzten Neuigkeiten aus Bulgarien präsentieren: Bulgarien setzt seine Beteiligung am FriedensBrot-Projekt fort. Der in Saedinenie geerntete Roggen wurde zur Aussaat der Ernte 2014/15 genutzt. Diesmal wählte die Nationale Vereinigung […]
Harvest of PeaceBread rye in Bulgaria: Supreme moment and festive day
Asya Gocheva, Organizational Secretary of National Grain Producers Association (NGPA) in Sofia wrote today: NGPA gladly announces that the final stage of PeaceBread Project is coming to fruition. Rye Harvest Ceremony has been solemnly held on 28th of July in the presence of the Minister of Agriculture and food Prof. Dimitar Grekov, NGPA’s Chairwoman Ms. […]
Bulgaria – Torrential Rain, but PeaceBread Rye in good Shape
Asya GOCHEVA, Organizational Secretary of National Grain Producers Association-Bulgaria on July, 2nd: “It has been a long time since we contacted you last time. For this reason, and because the harvest is expected to start soon, I would like to provide you with some information about the situation here. There has been a bevy of […]
Minister Prof. Grekov leads Bulgarian Delegation to PeaceBread Conference
Ms. Petya STELIYANOVA, I. Secretary at the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Berlin, informed about Bulgarian delegation to PeaceBread conference: The Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Bulgaria Prof. Dr. Dimitar GREKOV will attend the Conference and the Ceremonial act, which will take place in the period from 29th of […]
High level visit on Bulgarian PeaceBread field
Here are the latest news from Ms Asya GOCHEVA, Bulgarian PeaceBread procect coordinator: The National Grain Producers Association continues promoting the “Peace Bread” initiative, as it takes each individual public forum to raise awareness for the Project. We gladly announce that the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture and Food has formally joined the European initiative. National […]