Press Office of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) on May 26, 2014:
Federal Minister Christian Schmidt visits his colleague Marek Sawicki in Warschau on May 26th and 27th, 2014. The ministers will talk about questions related to EU Agricultural Policy and bilateral co-operation. “Following our first meeting some weeks ago, I am now looking forward to jointly address the future of the milk market and to discuss further development of EU-Regulations on Organic Farming”, said Minister Schmidt. Both Member States wish to make sure that good regulations will be developed in the interest of consumers and farmers without causing disproportionate administrative burdens. German-Polish co-operation plays a very important role in EU Common Agricultural Policy. Federal Minister Schmidt wants to further strengthen this role together with his Polish colleague.
A second issue to be addressed will be the joint participation in a ceremonial act of the association PeaceBread (Friedensbrot e.V.) on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on 1rst October 2014. It shall be highlighted on that occasion that peace is not possible without agriculture, and vice versa. “Agriculture can only be efficient and productive if there is peace, but peace and freedom will only prosper where people are securely supplied with sufficient food”, Schmidt said.
(Please note: Translation of the German BMEL press release was provided by PeaceBread offices)