Dr. Mihály Jancsó, who is in charge of the PeaceBread rye in Hungary wrote on 06.08.2014:
„We are gladly informing you that the rye harvest was successful in Szarvas, Hungary. The German variety ‚Bolerus‘ and the Hungarian variety ‚Varda‘ have good yield although the weather in our region was extremely rainy in this July (more than 200 mm). After carefully cleaning of the rye we will send it to Berlin to make the PeaceBread of Europe.“

On August, 20th Hungary is celebrating a national holiday. Mihaly wrote about this day in Szarvas:
„It is the day of our first king Saint Stephen (Szent István in Hungarian) and also the day of the Foundation of Hungary and the day of the new bread.
After the successful harvest of our PeaceBread rye, this day we also celebrated the PeaceBread in Szarvas.
There is only one Drymill in Hungary that is fully operating until today as a museum (http://www.szarazmalom.hu). The speciality of this mill is that it is working without wind or water but horses. This year the first milling in the Drymill on 20th August was the milling of PeaceBread rye produced in Hungary. The miller, Mr. Mihály Roszik was very pleased to taking part in our project. After the symbolic milling the flour was used to baking bread.
A major part of this holiday is the blessing of new bread which was held in the Evangelical-Lutheran Old Church in Szarvas. This church is the church of Samuel Tessedik who was a famous priest and reformer in our town. This year a Hungarian „PeaceBread“ made with the flour of our PeaceBread rye was also on the altar of the church. The ceremony was very impressive as you can see on the photos.“
Some more and good quality photos taken by Mr. Zoltán Babák owner of the local news blog can be found here: