PeaceBread project on conference agenda

Ms Asya GOCHEVA, Bulgarian PeaceBread procect coordinator:

The National Grain Producers Association of Bulgaria held a two-day seminar on 13th-14th of January near the city of Veliko Tarnovo. The event was focused on certain agricultural issues, however, it was seized the opportunity to present PeaceBread Project to the audience. The deputy chairman of the NGPA, Mr Angel VUKODINOV, presented the PeaceBread initiative.

Considering the concept of this initiative, the Bulgarian colleagues eventually decided to sow the rye in the area near the town of Saedinenie. One of the main reasons for this choice was the meaning of the town’s name(*). Saedinenie is associated with one of the most significant events in Bulgarian history – the Union of The Eastern Rumelia with the the Bulgarian Principality. And the town was named Saedinenie for the considerable role and participation of its citizens in achieving the Union. So the Bulgarian partners believe that their naming choice follows in the spirit of the initiative’s theme of cooperation and reconciliation to unity.

Bulgarian partners will continue to promote the PeaceBread project and its idea.

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