Szarvas, Ungarn, 22.-23. September 2016

Flyer Konferenz 2016 Link zum Video Ohne Zweifel ein voller Erfolg: Minister Dr. Sándor Fazekas, Ungarn, Dr. Christian Schmidt, Deutschland, und weitere hochrangige Vertreter der Landwirtschaftsministerien aus den zwölf Partnerländern des Projektes FriedensBrot trafen sich zwölf Jahre nach EU-Beitritt der überwiegenden Zahl dieser Länder am 22. und 23. September gemeinsam mit mehr als 40 zivilgesellschaftlichen […]
Gründung des Ungarischen FriedensBrot-Vereins

Erste Aufgabe: Organisation des 3. jährlichen Forums “Frieden und Landwirtschaft“ am 22.-24. September in Szarvas, Ungarn Liebe Partner des Projektes FriedensBrot, Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass die Europäische Initiative am 6. April einen weiteren großen Schritt unternehmen konnte. Vor drei Jahren traten wir dem Projekt FriedensBrot bei und nun wurde in der […]
Ungarische Erntekrone im Speisesaal der Heimvolkshochschule Seddiner See

Die durch Dr. Sandor Fazekas, Ungarischer Minister für Ländliche Entwicklung, dem Verein FriedensBrot am 30.9.2014 überreichte Erntekrone fand einen Ehrenplatz in der Heimvolkshochschule Seddiner See. Viele Gäste erhielten bereits Informationen zum FriedensBrot-Projekt aus erster Hand. Mr. Dirk Lorenz (Küchenleiter) und Dr. Klaus Benthin (Direktor Heimvolkshochschule) – von links
PeaceBread project becomes part of Researcher’s Night on science festival in Hungary

19.09.2014: Mihály Jancsó reports about a very nice initiative: Researcher’s Night is a science festival in Europe to bring research closer to the people. We have many fascinating programs in the NARIC and this year PeaceBread will be part of them. We are planning to draw attention of visitors to the philosophy of PeaceBread Project. […]
PeaceBread in Focus of Hungarian traditional St. Stephen´s Day of new Bread in Szarvas

Dr. Mihály Jancsó, who is in charge of the PeaceBread rye in Hungary wrote on 06.08.2014: „We are gladly informing you that the rye harvest was successful in Szarvas, Hungary. The German variety ‚Bolerus‘ and the Hungarian variety ‚Varda‘ have good yield although the weather in our region was extremely rainy in this July (more […]
New founded National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre (NARIC) to look after PeaceBread Project

New information from Mihaly Jancso, Szarvas: The National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre (NARIC) was founded on 1 January, 2014 in Hungary. The NARIC was established via integration of 13 research institutions in the field of agriculture and food industry. (See As the Research Department of Irrigation and Water Management (NARIC ÖVKI) the research […]
Minister Dr. Fazekas leads Hungarian Delegation to PeaceBread Conference

Mr. Nandor BEKI, Secretary at the Embassy of Hungary in Berlin, informed about Hungarian delegation to PeaceBread conference: The Minister of Rural Development of Hungary Dr. Sandor Fazekas will attend the Conference and the Ceremonial act, which will take place in the period from 29th of September to 1st of October 2014 in Berlin. Minister […]
Representatives of the office association „PeaceBread“ visit Szarvas in Hungary

The Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI), based in Szarvas (Hungary), is the partner for growing the Hungarian “PeaceBread” rye. The rye is grown next to Hungarian rye varieties on a trial field of the Institute, the research site in Szarvas featuring one of the largest and oldest lysimeter complexes in Europe. Dr. […]
PeaceBread rye on national memory day of the Hungarian Revolution and Freedom Fight of 1956

Mihály JANSCÓ, our Hungarian project partner in PeaceBread project, wrote: Here are some new pictures from our rye fields. The photos were taken on 23rd of October. This is the national memory day of the Hungarian Revolution and Freedom Fight of 1956. This is a national holiday since 1989. In the year of 1956 the […]
Pictures from the first days after the sowing of Hungarian PeaceBread rye

Seeds have germinated very well and the weather was perfect for the development of our plants.