The Project
The Project
Romanian PeaceBread rye will be cultivated by Central Laboratory for Quality of Seed and Planting Material, Bucharest
Mrs Ana ENE, Conselor to the Minister of Romanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development, informed, that Central Laboratory for Quality of Seed and Planting Material (CLQSPM, Laboratorul Central pentru Calitatea Seminţelor şi a Materialului Săditor – L.C.C.S.M.S.) will be
15.06.13: Members of the association FriedensBrot e.V. (PeaceBread) visit the oldest Permanent Rye Trial worldwide (“Ewiger Roggen”) in Halle (Saxony-Anhalt)
During the annual conference of “Fördergesellschaft Albrecht Daniel THAER(*)” members of the association FriedensBrot e.V. (PeaceBread) visited the oldest Permanent Rye Trial worldwide. These trials have been continuously conducted by Martin-Luther-University in Halle-Wittenberg since 1878 and for almost 150 years
Board of association FriedensBrot e.V. starts to plan celebration and conference on “Peace and Bread in Europe” in 2014
Board meeting of association FriedensBrot e.V. met on June, 11 and starts to plan celebrations and conference on “Peace and Bread in Europe” as a highlight for the intrested public, for politics and media in 2014. Participating countries and organisations
BAUERNZEITUNG: Grain for understanding among nations
Getreide für die Völkerverständigung In Berlin ist das Projekt “FriedensBrot” gestartet. Menschen aus Agrarwirtschaft, Politik und Kirche setzen hier ein Zeichen für Nachhaltigkeit. Eine Initiative für Frieden und Ernährung hat sich der unlängst gegründete Verein „FriedensBrot“ auf die Fahnen geschrieben.
The COUNTYCIRCLE stopped at the rye field at the Chapel of Reconciliation
The COUNTYCIRCLE – a discussion group in the capital addressing issues related to countryside, urban areas and agriculture – stopped at the rye field at the Chapel of Reconciliation on Bernauer Straße in Berlin on Saturday, 8th June 2013, during
The Polish Minister Stanisław KALEMBA symbolically hands over a little bag of rye for „PeaceBread“ to the school in Suchowola
Artur ŁAJEWSKI The Polish Minister Stanisław KALEMBA symbolically hands over a little bag of rye for „PeaceBread“ to the school in Suchowola Principal Michał MATYSKIEL expresses his gratitude for the participation in the project On 1rst June 2013, our school
French producers of veterinary medicine sought information on the „PeaceBread“-project at Bernauer Strasse on 29-05-2013
Jörg HANNEMANN, General Manager of Virbac Pharmaceuticals, is visibly impressed by the Berlin Wall memorial at Bernauer Strasse: “We and our colleagues from France, the UK and Italy also used this year’s European Management Meeting for an excursion into the
Our partners of Kaunas Plant Varieties Testing Division Kaunas, Lithuania, and their trial fields
We received pictures from our partners from Lithuania: Mrs. Elvyra LEONAVIČIENE, head of Kaunas Plant Varieties Testing Division (first from the right side) and senior agronomist of this Division Edita VISOCKIENE
FriedensBrot e.V. joins Facebook today
From today on you find FriedensBrot e.V. at Facebook:
Agra-Europe reports
Germany social policy Launch of “PeaceBread”-project BERLIN. The association “PeaceBread” has committed itself to an initiative for peace and food. “Without bread no peace, without peace no bread”, said Chairman Manfred Fischer, formerly priest of the Parish of Reconciliation in
Romanian PeaceBread rye will be cultivated by Central Laboratory for Quality of Seed and Planting Material, Bucharest
Mrs Ana ENE, Conselor to the Minister of Romanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development, informed, that Central Laboratory for Quality of Seed and Planting Material (CLQSPM, Laboratorul Central pentru Calitatea Seminţelor şi a Materialului Săditor – L.C.C.S.M.S.) will be
15.06.13: Members of the association FriedensBrot e.V. (PeaceBread) visit the oldest Permanent Rye Trial worldwide (“Ewiger Roggen”) in Halle (Saxony-Anhalt)
During the annual conference of “Fördergesellschaft Albrecht Daniel THAER(*)” members of the association FriedensBrot e.V. (PeaceBread) visited the oldest Permanent Rye Trial worldwide. These trials have been continuously conducted by Martin-Luther-University in Halle-Wittenberg since 1878 and for almost 150 years
Board of association FriedensBrot e.V. starts to plan celebration and conference on “Peace and Bread in Europe” in 2014
Board meeting of association FriedensBrot e.V. met on June, 11 and starts to plan celebrations and conference on “Peace and Bread in Europe” as a highlight for the intrested public, for politics and media in 2014. Participating countries and organisations
BAUERNZEITUNG: Grain for understanding among nations
Getreide für die Völkerverständigung In Berlin ist das Projekt “FriedensBrot” gestartet. Menschen aus Agrarwirtschaft, Politik und Kirche setzen hier ein Zeichen für Nachhaltigkeit. Eine Initiative für Frieden und Ernährung hat sich der unlängst gegründete Verein „FriedensBrot“ auf die Fahnen geschrieben.
The COUNTYCIRCLE stopped at the rye field at the Chapel of Reconciliation
The COUNTYCIRCLE – a discussion group in the capital addressing issues related to countryside, urban areas and agriculture – stopped at the rye field at the Chapel of Reconciliation on Bernauer Straße in Berlin on Saturday, 8th June 2013, during
The Polish Minister Stanisław KALEMBA symbolically hands over a little bag of rye for „PeaceBread“ to the school in Suchowola
Artur ŁAJEWSKI The Polish Minister Stanisław KALEMBA symbolically hands over a little bag of rye for „PeaceBread“ to the school in Suchowola Principal Michał MATYSKIEL expresses his gratitude for the participation in the project On 1rst June 2013, our school
French producers of veterinary medicine sought information on the „PeaceBread“-project at Bernauer Strasse on 29-05-2013
Jörg HANNEMANN, General Manager of Virbac Pharmaceuticals, is visibly impressed by the Berlin Wall memorial at Bernauer Strasse: “We and our colleagues from France, the UK and Italy also used this year’s European Management Meeting for an excursion into the
Our partners of Kaunas Plant Varieties Testing Division Kaunas, Lithuania, and their trial fields
We received pictures from our partners from Lithuania: Mrs. Elvyra LEONAVIČIENE, head of Kaunas Plant Varieties Testing Division (first from the right side) and senior agronomist of this Division Edita VISOCKIENE
FriedensBrot e.V. joins Facebook today
From today on you find FriedensBrot e.V. at Facebook:
Agra-Europe reports
Germany social policy Launch of “PeaceBread”-project BERLIN. The association “PeaceBread” has committed itself to an initiative for peace and food. “Without bread no peace, without peace no bread”, said Chairman Manfred Fischer, formerly priest of the Parish of Reconciliation in