
PeaceBread Dialogue in Romania

7th to 9th November, 2022 Cordial exchange with partners of the Union of former Bărăgan deportees The promise was made on the 2021 conference “Peace and Agriculture” which both Romania and Germany hosted in cyberspace (link to conference report 2021)

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FriedensBrot Donations for Initiatives in Ukraine

Within the scope of its 7th FORUM, the FriedensBrot association supported two Ukrainian initiatives with funds from its Ukraine fund-raising campaign which was started early this year. One of these is the “Bortsch” initiative in support (seeds and plants) of

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Guests at the rye field at the Bernauer Strasse Wall Memorial

Since the founding of the association FriedensBrot e.V., Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank has supported the association and the international network “Peace and Agriculture” associated with it.On June 27, 2022, Jens Kollmann, general counsel, and Helga Immel, liaison office of Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, visited

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War in Ukraine – FriedensBrot is committed to solidarity

Always – be it the leadership of the VDL Landesverband Ost, or scholars, as well as the management of the Verbindungsstelle Landwirtschaft-Industrie (liaison body agriculture/industry) and the Rehwinkel-Stiftung (foundation) for the rye field, and regarding the Berlin Wall Memorial, whether

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PeaceBread Dialogue in Romania

7th to 9th November, 2022 Cordial exchange with partners of the Union of former Bărăgan deportees The promise was made on the 2021 conference “Peace and Agriculture” which both Romania and Germany hosted in cyberspace (link to conference report 2021)

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FriedensBrot Donations for Initiatives in Ukraine

Within the scope of its 7th FORUM, the FriedensBrot association supported two Ukrainian initiatives with funds from its Ukraine fund-raising campaign which was started early this year. One of these is the “Bortsch” initiative in support (seeds and plants) of

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Guests at the rye field at the Bernauer Strasse Wall Memorial

Since the founding of the association FriedensBrot e.V., Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank has supported the association and the international network “Peace and Agriculture” associated with it.On June 27, 2022, Jens Kollmann, general counsel, and Helga Immel, liaison office of Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, visited

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War in Ukraine – FriedensBrot is committed to solidarity

Always – be it the leadership of the VDL Landesverband Ost, or scholars, as well as the management of the Verbindungsstelle Landwirtschaft-Industrie (liaison body agriculture/industry) and the Rehwinkel-Stiftung (foundation) for the rye field, and regarding the Berlin Wall Memorial, whether

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