In his reply letter to the German Federal Minister AIGNER, Minister SEEDER says: “Your proposal to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Wall in such a symbolic and strong way touches me deeply. In Estonia, we indeed highly appreciate the meaning of this event which happened 25 years ago. Without this fall of the Wall, regaining the independence of the Republic of Estonia would have remained the unthinkable.
We are therefore more than willing to take part in the “PeaceBread”-project. Intensive contacts have already been established between the project coordinators and our Institute of Plant Breeding in Jõgeva …. The Institute …. will sow (the seeds) … this fall on fields of the Kärde estate. In 1661, the peace treaty between the Kingdom of Sweden and the Tsardom Russia was signed in this place, bringing the long lasting conflict of those former great powers to a peaceful end.”
And further: “I am pleased that growing together of Europe is the wish of several countries, and that initiatives like this one can also be found within agriculture.“
Minister SEEDER also encourages a cooperation between the „PeaceBread“-project and the Estonian project „More Attention to Rye“.
Die Landgemeinde Jõgeva (estnisch: Jõgeva vald) ist eine Landgemeinde im estnischen Kreis Jõgeva. Sie umgibt die gleichnamige Stadt Jõgeva.
Orte in der Gemeinde nehmen in der Geschichte Estlands einen besonderen Platz ein: Auf dem damaligen Gut Kärde (schwedisch Kardis, russisch Кардис) wurde am 21. Juni (jul.) / 1. Juli 1661(greg.) der Friede von Kardis geschlossen – er besiegelte den Russisch-Schwedischen Krieg. Demnach musste das russische Zarenreich die östlichen Gebiete im heutigen Estland und Lettland an die schwedische Krone abtreten.